This Christmas decoration idea is inspired by simple Nordic designs and it's so simple, you can make one yourself in a few minutes. Here's how...

You will need:
A pair of sharp scissors
Some spray starch (available in supermarkets)
Some sellotape
A large wooden bead
Cut the following lengths of cord:
6 x 50cm
10 x 25cm
1 x 50cm
Fold the longest lengths in half as neatly as possible. Then thread the 50cm length through the fold. This will form a loop by which to hang your angel, and stop the design falling apart!
(From now on, I will call the thick bundle of long threads the 'core'.)
Fold one of the shorter lengths in half neatly and place the loop under the core. Fold a second length in half and thread this through the small loop, over the core and thread the ends of the first length through the loop. Adjust the ends so that all four are exactly the same length and pull to tighten the knot.
Repeat the same knot, this time coming from the other side first. Do the same with all of the shorter threads, alternating sides to create a bodice section on the core.
Carefully adjust the ends before tightening the knots and slide the knots up against each other towards the top of the core. If you have kept the ends even, you will find that when you drag the cords down, they will form a rough pair of wings.
Wrap a tiny bit of sellotape around the end of your top (hanging) loop. Thread your wooden bead onto the cord. Depending on the diameter of the hole, you may be able to thread both or just one of the cord pieces through the bead. If, like me, only one goes through, then simply wrap the second piece of cord over the bead and around the first piece to make a simple knot and secure the bead in place. Tie a knot at the top of the loop and cut off the sellotape.
Use a small brush or comb to untwist and brush out the strands of the cord. Then, using sharp scissors, trim away and overhanging rough ends and create a please shape at the edges of the wings and the bottom of the skirt.
Use a generous squirt of starch spray and leave it for half an hour to dry. Turn it over, spray the other side and leave this to dry also. I placed it under tissue, under a heavy book overnight!
Now your decoration is ready to hang on a wall during the festive season! If she starts to get a little floppy at any time, just give her a quick brush, spray, book press and she will look good as new again.
I really hope you enjoyed this mini make. If you want to discover even more inspiring ideas, please subscribe to receive our monthly emails and discount codes!
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This project is available as a kit, alongside a range of other macrame kits that you might have fun trying. They all include full photographic instructions and all the cord and accessories you need to complete the project. Plus free UK delivery and worldwide shipping. Here are some of our bestsellers...